

最佳游览时间:3月- 6月;9月- 11月








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你可以在Sankri, Gangad, Taluka和Seema吃到简单的dhaba食物。在海拔较高的长途跋涉中,你不会得到任何食物,所以最好的选择是在索纳玛格的dhaba储存消耗品。









  1. 无论你是在什么季节旅行,都要确保带上暖和的衣服和雨具。
  2. 携带自己的徒步装备。随时准备使用它。
  3. 在路上携带一个医疗急救箱和常用的药品。
  4. 一双好的徒步鞋是必须的。
  5. 确保你提前获得在该地区徒步旅行所需的所有许可。
  6. 确保你为你的相机携带备用电池和记忆卡,因为没有电供应。
  7. 一个见多识广、训练有素的导游是非常重要的。提前整理好所有的问题,无论琐碎与否,以避免误解。


  • 铁路:人们可以从德里乘坐夜间列车到达德拉敦,这是一趟定期列车。最好的选择是两站之间的空调专列。你将在早上5点40分到达德拉敦。从那里开始乘出租车或公共汽车,距离185公里,大约需要5个小时。

  • 路:从德里到桑克里的总距离近440公里,大约需要9小时。你可以直接开车到Sankri,也可以乘公共汽车到Dehradun,再乘当地的车辆继续到Sankri。


哈基墩徒步旅行是季节性的,安排在3 - 6月和9 - 11月之间。在一年的其他时间,没有组织徒步旅行。



Har Ki Dun附近的顶级酒店














第二天:Sonamarg Ð Shekdur Ð Nichnai


在索纳玛格的第二天是真正冒险的开始,并将持续七天。一定要早点开始徒步旅行,比如早上8点,然后继续走3公里,就能看到达巴。这个餐厅是整个探险结束前唯一的地方。它提供打包的饮用水、新鲜果汁、饼干和其他一些可食用的东西,人们可以在整个旅程中储存起来。下一个你会发现吃的地方是在旅行的最后,在Naranag。就在这条小路的右边,一条通往信德河的小路在泥泞的小路和主干道之间流过。这是徒步旅行的起点,很快你就会注意到一个上升的地方;继续你的跋涉大约10分钟,道路向左弯曲,进入一个巨大的郁郁葱葱的绿色草地。从这里你可以看到整个索纳玛格镇。大约需要半个小时才能到达草地的顶部,草地上覆盖着茂密的枫树和松树,这里的气候非常适合针叶树的健康和强壮。 The path then descends quickly towards a small rivulet flowing nearby, pristine as a crystal. And once again you are climbing up to a verdant cover of maple forest. The experience of walking on smooth, velvety cover of grass is absolutely bewitching. For next one and half hour, walk along the trail, adjacent to the Maple trees for other trails might take you to some nearby villages. As you get at higher altitude, the view of the Sonamarg valley will be more beautiful and pronounced. Finally the maple forest will come to an end by the top of the ridge; the other side displays a meadow with downwards gentle slope. Rest there for a while and cherish the impeccable beauty of Kashmir. ItÕs time to descend the slope heading towards the almost flat grounds of meadows. You will find silver birch trees lined on the left while the west is lined with shepherd huts. The whole area of about 40 ft is covered by a carpet of lush green grass and serves a picture perfect view. Small mountain peaks clad with snow can be witnessed on the east, this place is Shekdur. Now, if you are tired and decide to call it a day, this place will be your camping site. Otherwise, trek for another 3 hours across the meadows and then half an hour it you plan to pitch your tents at the end of the grassland. Another campsite, Shekdor is perfect with bhoj trees scattered all over. The place exhibits sheer beauty and charm for a nature lover. To camp at this place, you will have to start early in the morning and the next one if Nichnai, almost 2 hours away. Break for lunch as Shekdur and begin your trek towards Nichnai. River valley marks the beginning of Nichnai, located about a trek of an hour on the meadows. The trekking path is now along the right side of the river going upstream. The sun rays playing hide and seek with the clouds is an enchanting sight to behold. At this point, you are right behind the peaks of Sonamarg Valley. The river flowing nearby noisily gains speed as it joins the Sindh River. Another hour of trekking along the river valley, you will find the rocky terrain being replaced by a meadow with gradual slope. Lying ahead is the twin triangular peak of mountain covered by snow, presenting a breath taking sight. ItÕs time to call the day at this camping site.



第三天的长途跋涉将是漫长而疲惫的,所以最好做好准备。然而,美丽的风景和原始的自然环境绝对会让你度过漫长的一天。早点开始你的一天,呼吸新鲜清新的空气,沐浴温暖的阳光。第一件要做的事是穿过尼切奈山口,从营地可以看到。沿着河再走半个小时,然后从左岸过河。接下来的一个小时,沿着河的左岸走。当你穿过草地时,你会注意到小径的陡坡,你将在那里再爬一个小时。在山脚下的路上,你会看到一个小湖。从远处看,清澈的海水非常迷人。现在这条路向内拐了两次弯,然后就到了尼切奈山口。 Most of the time you will get the BSNL network here; next time you phone will catch signals is when you will go beyond Gangabal. Perched at an altitude of 13,500 ft, the pass is more like a tunnel located between huge mountains. As you hike along the Nichnai Pass, you will notice a major ascent in the terrain and altitude. One can get headaches there owing to the low levels of oxygen. Once you reach the top of the pass, you will begin the downward trekking. The path becomes a bit rocky and prone to accidents, so be careful. Another hour into the trek and you will get to witness the beauty of nature through grasslands, gushing river and splendid waterfall. Presence of red flowers gives the grassland a vivid look. From here, the trail becomes plain and quite easy to walk over. The Himalayan Mountains standing tall presents a sight of impeccable beauty. The gushing stream of water flowing nearby adds to the scenic exquisiteness of the place. However, the water is freezing and so is the temperature. Walk for half an hour and you will be completely past the Nichnai Valley followed by another water stream. This gurgling stream you see here starts from Vishansar Lake. Being located at the higher level, the lake is not visible from this point. You have an option of pitching your tents near the lake, being an ideal campsite. The place is surrounded by four mountains while the Vishansar Lake is just 100 feet above the site. You can also do fishing at the lake but make sure to obtain permission. You will be moving on to Gadsar, so better get some sleep and rejuvenate your energy.


第五天:ÊHarkidun前往Jaundhar (Jamdar)冰川并返回营地


沿着宿营地旁边的苏平河徒步,最后经过最后一座木桥,你就会到达哈基墩。你会在这里找到通往两个山谷的入口,一个通往Maninda Taal和Borasu Pass的左边,另一个通往Jaundar冰川。根据天气情况,在清晨开始你的跋涉。如果在哈基顿下雨,你可能会在冰川上发现雪。从这里,在Harkidun的露营轮上向山谷的右侧移动,前往Swaragrohini-1峰。下山大约需要10分钟。继续您的徒步旅行通过露营地与Jaundar在您的右侧。此外,注意一系列的6个高架山脊,你需要通过,以便进入黄达尔盆地。经过近20分钟的跋涉,你将到达一个完全被雪覆盖的地方。再走20分钟,在巨石上跳跃,你就会到达一大片积雪。 Cross the third ridge, which will take another 20 minutes, with an incline hike and you will reach the third ridge. From here, you will be able to see the final ridge reached by a walk of mere 15 minutes. From the top of the final ridge the Jaundar basin and the glacier will be visible, which are about 3 km away. You may proceed further to the glacial basin from here depending upon the weather conditions. The spot is situated gracefully just below the Swaragrohini-1 peak and located between the two pillars like peak is Jaundar glacier.




这次探险的第七天是相当累的,9公里的跋涉要花大约6个小时才能到达一天的最终目的地——Gangabal。你遇到的第一个踪迹会向上和向下,最终会沿着小路移动,通向萨特萨尔湖最宽的部分。七大湖泊中最大的湖是这次旅行的最后游览地之一。继续走30分钟,你会到达左边的森林带和右边1000英尺高的山脊。目前你在离地面11,800公里的高度,并继续遇到从这里的高度增加。徒步通过一条曲折的路径,你将到达山脊的顶部,从那里你可以看到更多的山脊,你将攀登。地形多岩石,很难穿越,因此非常耗时。你可能会感到腿痛,因为地形的陡峭是很难匹配的。然而,你刚刚离开的景色,贫瘠和郁郁葱葱的青山相映成色,点缀着小古贾尔小屋,会弥补你所浪费的时间。从山顶俯瞰美景,沿着克什米尔山谷的徒步旅行对任何冒险爱好者来说都是一种享受。 You will also see two lakes in the distance next to each other with the biggest of all lakes, Ganagbal. Now, your next destination for the day is at Gangabal lying about 1400 ft below the point you are currently at. However, you need to brace yourself up for some rough and rocky terrain and challenging descent. Along your way, you will also see a stream where you can stock up some fresh water. You will encounter a steep downward slope for about 40 minutes leading to verdant greenery once again. Another hour of walking and you will soon be glimpsing at the tree lines. However, even after reaching the base, you will still have a long way to cover to reach the destination lake. After trudging for a while, you will reach the Nundkol Lake, which might not be very clean owing to the campers staying there often. The lake lies just below the Harmukh peak covered with Harmukh glaciers. The place is just 30 minutes walk from Nundkol. You the bridge to reach over the beginning of Gangabal Lake where you can set up a camp while cherishing the beauty of nature.





